Astralis: An Interactive Visual Novel
This project was created by a team of four, including myself, for a collaborative studio course that I took Fall of Spring of 2024. My role in this project was mainly Background Design and Illustration, while also having a part in Character Design. 
Game Link: Astralis | Password: Citali2024
Background Designs

Drey Academy Background

Wiran City Background

Cave Background

Drey Home Background

Woods Background

Cave Opening Background

Market Background

Character Designs

Final Wiran Character Concept Designs

Characters Billy (Left) and Oliver (Right)

These character designs were developed with a simplistic art style that utilizes uniform line weight and cell shading. The visual novel titled "Astralis" is centered around the city of Astralis and its polarized population, with every citizen siding with either the use of magic or technology in their daily lives. My character designs are of those who use technology that call themselves the "Wiran", as opposed the magic-centered "Drey". The Wiran's design incorporates baggy clothing, elements of their developing technology, and asymmetrical apparel in contrast to the Drey's tight and orderly appearance.
Concept Designs

Wiran City Concept

Drey Academy Concept

Wiran Character Concept

Wiran Character Concept

Fomori Character Concept

Fomori Character Concept

Fomori Scene Concept
Fomori Scene Concept
Fomori Scene Concept
Fomori Scene Concept

Fomori Scene Concept

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